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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Deerfield Fair

Fall=fairs=fatguys eating food.

We assembled a big group of people and hit up the Deerfield Fair for the second year in a row (at least for me) to wander around, stare at weirdos, eat garbage, and generally have a good time. Sadly, we were stuck in pretty bad weather- cold, rainy and muggy/foggy. Luckily though, it mostly just misted and lightly rained instead of fully opening up. So, it could have been worse. We did however, only wander around the food/animal side and never even saw the section with rides and games. The Deerfield Fair is enormous, and you really have to do a lot of wandering to see everything. But then again, why would we leave the section with all of the food?

Before everyone was even inside, Al made a beeline to a hotdog stand. I matched him by getting some crappy square fair pizza, which totally hit the spot. We then set to wandering so everyone could get what they wanted.

The highlight of the fair was the freshly made cider donuts. Not only were these the best deal of the fair (a dozen for like 6 bucks, a half dozen for 4), but they were also the best food there. I remembered loving them last year, but they stepped it up this year and I swear they were even better. I split a dozen with a few people and ended up with 4 and a cold apple cider- an absolutely heavenly match. 

Johnny came all the way from New York to eat these donuts. And Rich got high off of them.

Here's a picture of Josh eating a dogbowl of fries that I'm sure he'll be psyched I put up:

Here's Al getting really intense while eating a gigantic donut:

The fair is a special place where you can see a lot of weird stuff you wouldn't normally see together, with people somehow incredibly interested in all of it- like a guy carving wood into tables:


a clearly completely insane man pretending to be a robot while horrifying robot monkeys played carnival music,

I seriously feared for my life


Paul Vachon, "The Butcher."


Dog and Cat Breed Shirts,

sooo wanted all of these

stars and birdhouses made out of license plates,

creepy carnies,

Oh wait, sorry, that's Al in his new 6 dollar plastic cowboy hat. 

shockingly enormous pumpkins,

and straw pumpkin people.

I thought these were cute and kind of funny, especially the guy on the end whose head was falling off or the half cow. I liked the creations and thought it was neat that little kids had created these cool guys. That is, until I saw this one:

This is a nightmare. Seriously, what the hell is that?! Who is that lady? What did she paint? Why does she have a crow on her head and a meat mustache? AHHHHHHH

We also got to watch a wicked sweet cover band, which I don't think I'd seen at a fair yet. 

Look at the guy on the left's hat! And the drummer's glasses! Amazing.

They said "I think everyone can help us with this one" or something, and I was certain "Freebird" was coming on next. I was close though- they played "Sweet Home Alabama." They probably didn't have the skills to play Freebird. Or the desire to play a 10 minute solo-filled epic to 30 people standing in the rain. Either one of those, I guess. 

The last thing I ate (other than a deep fried oreo that made me even more sick) was funnel cake, which, after a piece of pizza, 3 donuts, and sub par fried dough, was a bad idea. I ordered it extra crispy, and they also apparently made it extra thick. This was about as far as I got before I felt too sick to eat anything else. Damn you fair food. 


On the way out, we dared Jesse to jump in this spa. He said he would. We got up to 70 bucks before he chickened out, saying that the guy running the place wasn't cool with him doing it. Sure Jesse, that's why you didn't do it.

Crappy weather, I felt sick afterwards, and it cost a billion dollars, but I love the Deerfield Fair. Can't wait for next year. 

currently listening to: Limp Bizkit- Gold Cobra (seriously)

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