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Sunday, June 5, 2011


Retroactive post from 5/28:

Blackhead and Caveman kick out some jams

Hilton and I jammed on the geetars for hours. Not a big deal to most people, but we haven't played guitar together for like 2 years, and haven't played as much as we did for much longer than that. We relived all our old solo jams, songs we wrote together, some creed covers, some phish songs, etc. It was something really nice that somehow I just stopped doing entirely. My fingers burned and I remembered how much I like playing guitar. And I remembered how nice my guitar (that I spent 34873874893 dollars on last summer) is. Here's a happy ditty we accidentally wrote in the last 2 minutes we were trying to stop playing. It sounds to me like a theme song to a kid's show.